Epoxy Flooring for Commercial Kitchens in Carson City, NV

Commercial Kitchen EpoxyMany restaurants in Carson City have a concrete surface for their kitchen flooring. Some proprietors have decided to refresh their kitchens by ripping up their vinyl tiles or flooring to uncover the concrete and install epoxy coats instead. In fact, some locations currently being built or renovated use epoxy floors in their kitchens as the first choice. Many question this decision so, here’s a list of commonplace questions about epoxy coats in the kitchen in addition to their answers.

Is Concrete Harsh on Feet?

Tile flooring is not known for being comfortable. Epoxy coatings can be customized so that it has a feeling of give as you step on it. Whatever the type of coating used underneath, most diners and industrial kitchens decide upon rubber matting to cushion the feet and legs.

Is Coated Concrete Simple to Sanitize?

Epoxy flooring has no cracks or joints, so there is no place for bacteria, dirt, hair, old food, or other contaminants to get stuck. There’s no grout to scrub and scour. Typically, all epoxy floors need for cleaning and maintenance is a mopping. Adding coved flooring also increases the endurance of epoxy coats up the walls of your kitchen from a matter of inches to more than a foot, protecting your walls and floors from spills and scuffs with carts and delivery dollies.

Are Epoxy Floors Okay for Work?

It is true that shiny epoxy flooring in showrooms and retail stores can be slippery when wet, but their flooring focuses on appearance, not functionality. That does not hold true when you use epoxy topcoats for a kitchen surface. By adding roughness or a no-slip finish to your epoxy coatings, your surface can have more anti-slip than ceramic tiles or vinyl. In fact, many commercial or industrial kitchens in restaurants use epoxy coatings because they offer tougher friction with the proper topcoat.

How Can I Get Epoxy Flooring for My Kitchen?

Concrete is never gray when you ask Nevada Custom Coatings to colorize your kitchen floors. For a secure and useful work kitchen, color-stained concrete or epoxy flooring can meet your requirements with an attractive appearance that competes very well with other surfaces. If you have other questions about concrete in the kitchen, connect with Nevada Custom Coatings for more information. We look forward to helping you discover the advantages of concrete flooring with industrial kitchens in Carson City.
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