Polished Concrete and Radiant Floors

Recently we discussed the compatibility of radiant concrete floors with epoxy coating. We also discussed myths about polished concrete. While addressing one of those myths, we mentioned that radiant floor heating is commonly used with polished concrete to ensure your floor stays at a warm, comfy temperature. How can you make sure that your radiant floors and polished concrete are compatible?

More on Radiant Floors

While some people use ceramic or hardwood tiles over the radiant heating in their floors, concrete is the preferred option because it is more economical and easier to maintain. Many new homes using radiant heating are constructed with a hydronic system, which pumps water and additives through a series of tubes laid out in the foundation, and the concrete floor is poured over it. This method requires more equipment, such as a water pump, a boiler, and tubes embedded into the floor, so it tends to be used with new floors only.
If you already have a concrete floor and want to add radiant heating, electric floor heating systems are the simpler choice. Electric floor heating emits heat through a series of cables or wires. It can be embedded into just about any floor with only a thin layer of concrete over the top.

On to the Polish!

Once you have your radiant heating installed and your concrete floor is dry and set (usually about one month later), our expert installers at Nevada Custom Coatings prepare the surface of your concrete and install a glossy concrete polish. While the polishing process involves grinding the surface of the concrete, it affects only a quarter of an inch of the surface at most. This allows the polish to bond with the surface of your concrete. Once in place, your concrete polish gives you a dazzling shine that feels great to walk on, because your radiant heating will keep it at the perfect temperature!

So, if you want a lustrous shine for your concrete floor with radiant heating, Nevada Custom Coatings in Reno is ready and able to accommodate you. Give our office a call, or schedule a free onsite consultation here on our website. Your concrete floor will not only feel radiant, but it will look radiant too!

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