Whether building a new home or just remodeling one, many people in Reno and the surrounding areas choose epoxy coatings to cover their concrete floors instead of tile or carpet. Epoxy coatings are seamless, easier to clean, durable, and customizable in ways that no tile or carpet could hope to achieve. Many people also choose baseboards for their remodeling or building projects. Do baseboards and epoxy coatings get along?
The Reason for Baseboards
Why use baseboards? Baseboards cover up gaps between the flooring and the wall. Baseboards also help to keep carpet and vinyl floors in place. Along with that, baseboards provide an aesthetic appeal, adding an elegant look or feel to a room when done properly. Of course, they can also act as armor against shoes, furniture, pets, or other traffic that might bang into the walls. Baseboards take the pounding, so the bottom of the walls remain intact.
With epoxy coatings, however, the epoxy bonds to the floor and doesn’t have the potential of curling up or getting loose from the floor. In that case, baseboards are unnecessary from a flooring perspective. Nevertheless, baseboards still work well with epoxy coating. They often complement each other in the room’s décor.
Baseboards and Epoxy — the Proper Sequence
Honestly, it’s not difficult to use epoxy coatings and baseboards together. Just like any other type of flooring, you install your epoxy coatings first. If the baseboards are already in place, remove them, install the epoxy coatings, and then replace the baseboards. Nevada Custom Coatings also offers coved flooring, which is essentially a form of epoxy baseboard.
Of course, you might have further questions about how epoxy coatings and baseboards can work together. Nevada Custom Coatings is glad to answer those questions. Please give our office a call, or you can ask your questions using our online form. You can also use that form to schedule a free onsite consultation. We’ll help you find just the right look for your home or business using epoxy coatings and baseboards.