Epoxy Colors and Textures

Garage Epoxy FlooringEpoxy floors offer an incredibly attractive array of customized features. This includes patterns of many colors, and a variety of options for texture. You may also pick the intensity of contrast, sparkle or shine. After we lay down your options, Nevada Custom Coatings seals them in place with a clear topcoat that guards your Reno floor from scratching, wear and stains, and protects from UV light damage. Here are some short descriptions regarding the most common added options with epoxy flooring.

Color Flakes

Flakes are colored chips of various materials and sizes that contrast with your floor coat. You may use preset combos of color flakes or create your own custom design. With color flakes it’s easy to match a room color, sports team colors, company colors, you name it, we create it!

Micas for Epoxy Floors

Color micas give brilliance to a floor and make it sparkle! Imagine how granite reflects the Sun, and you have that effect from mica. The Mayans valued the decorative qualities of mica, adding it to some of their structures for a sparkling effect. You can use this same system by requesting mica flakes for your epoxy floors.

Colored Granules

If you require texture as well as color for your epoxy flooring, granules are the best choice. Granules are colored particles that provide grip to inclined or slick concrete. If your concrete sees regular spills or holds potential for slips and falls, granules offer an extra level of anti-slip, and they do so in solid colors or color combinations.

Contact us in Reno, Nevada, to find out more about the color palettes available for our epoxy coatings, color flakes, micas, and granules. If you don’t see a color you want to employ in our standard offerings, ask us about special orders. Manufacturers are regularly improving their product lines and the combination you want is likely available.
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