A person's hands are shown holding a color wheel while working on a computer, illustrating a design process in a bright, modern office. The color wheel is in focus, displaying a spectrum of colors, indicating color selection for a creative project.
July 28, 2022

The color wheel is an essential tool for determining the best color combinations for your concrete floors. Whether using concrete stains or epoxy, we can help!

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An array of color swatches arranged in a spectrum, showing a gradient transition from greens through blues to pinks and reds, used for color matching and selection. Epoxy floor stains and colors come in a multitude of choices.
January 20, 2022

We can add an almost unlimited variety of colors and textures to your concrete floor through the use of color flakes, micas, and granules, or even color stains. How do we make sure the colors remain consistent throughout your project? Find out here!

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