Facts about Polished Concrete

When people see a polished concrete floor, they’re impressed by the dazzling shine and luster from the professional finish. It looks so smooth and shiny, however, that some people jump to the conclusion they are slippery. Many people assume they are cold to the touch, and that they require special equipment to maintain their glossy appearance. But Nevada Custom Coatings has years of experience with concrete stains and polishes, and we know that many of these ideas turn out to be misunderstandings – or even myths. Let’s cover a few of these ideas to help you understand what polished concrete can bring to your home or business.

Myth #1: Polished Concrete is a Slippery Surface

It’s easy to understand why people get this impression – a polished concrete floor from Nevada Custom Coatings looks so smooth and shiny, it might seem like anything would just slide across it. But looks like this can be deceiving. Nevada Custom Coatings offers a no-slip finish for polished concrete. Although it might look slippery, anyone standing on it has a sure footing. That’s why this finish is often used in professional flooring, hospitals, and schools. It simply would not be used in these locations if no one could keep on their feet!

Myth #2: Polished Concrete is Always a Cold Surface

If you walk in bare feet on untreated concrete after the chill of a cold night, the concrete likely feels cold. Many people conclude that doing the same on polished concrete will have a similar effect, but intensified. However, it’s not entirely true. Concrete adapts to ambient temperature, radiating warmth in a climate-controlled room or doing the same when the temperature is kept cold. If you walk along a concrete slab on a summer night, the concrete is still hot because it is radiating the absorbed heat from the day. Likewise, a concrete floor surrounded by a snowstorm is likely to retain a chill. One common way to resolve this issue is with radiant floor heating.

Myth #3: Polished Concrete is Difficult to Maintain

This myth is pretty far from being true. Polished concrete offers a smooth surface with no tile joints, cracks, grout surfaces, seams, or yarn fibers for pollutants or allergens to hide. In many cases, all it takes is a vacuum to clean the floor, or on occasion a mop or wet/dry duster. A spill takes no more than a spot clean.

Myth #4: Polished Concrete Fades or Wears Off Over Time

Concrete polishes resist common household cleaners, even commercial solvents. They’re designed to withstand wear and tear, as well as harsh chemicals. Your concrete finish from Nevada Custom Coatings will protect your concrete for years, and it will continue looking great while doing it! And if you include color stains with your concrete, their permanent colors are sealed in with the polished finish, so you have no worries of peeling or fading like you do with paint!

Finish Your Floor with Polished Concrete

While there are more myths out there pertaining to polished concrete, don’t let them influence your choice. Get the facts from the experienced, highly trained experts from Nevada Custom Coatings. We have years of experience with concrete stains, polishes, and other finishes like epoxy coatings. If you hear a rumor or myth about concrete improvements, give us a call so we can provide you with the facts. That way you can make a wise, informed decision. You can also list your questions using the form here on our website, and we’ll happily respond with the truth about concrete polishes or any other improvement for your concrete.

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