Reflective Lighting with Polished Concrete

Humans appreciate abundant lighting. Improving the lighting of your facility often motivates employees into better production and improves the disposition of your clientele. To take advantage of the abundant qualities of good lighting, Nevada Custom Coatings can improve the lighting in your facility without adding more light fixtures.

Lighting from Underfoot

One of the most efficient ways to improve lighting is by reusing the light you already have with reflective surfaces. That’s why Nevada Custom Coatings offers reflective flooring options. Reflective flooring refers to polishing your concrete floor to a mirror finish and then adding an epoxy coating provides even more reflection. You can increase the illumination in a room by as much as 300% with reflective flooring.

An untreated concrete floor is usually a flat gray color, and offers very little reflection. Nevada Custom Coatings uses high-end grinders to level out imperfections in the concrete. The first pass produces a satin finish with subtle reflection. Most of our customers, however, love the idea of letting their concrete floor shine. Additional grinding offers a semi-gloss finish to reflect even more light. Using an even finer grit, Nevada Custom Coatings evens out your concrete even more, smoothing over as many imperfections as possible. The result is a true reflection that compares to a mirror!

But could you end up with too much shine from your floor? Not when you work with Nevada Custom Coatings! Our goal is to get your floor to the level of shine you specify. We discuss your needs and intentions while considering how much light is already available in the room. We go over the best way to meet your expectations and desires for improving your concrete floor. Armed with a strong understanding of your desired look, we produce a floor that will reflect your desired amount of light.

Beyond Floor Reflections

With all the benefits to concrete finishes and coatings, there’s no need to stop with reflective flooring. With our experience, consider what colors, textures and patterns might suit your concrete floor to make it the best it can be. We discuss the current color palette of your room and what features of concrete polishing or epoxy coating could accentuate its appeal. After all, a concrete floor with colors, patterns, or even company logos can still reflect light, improving brightness and aesthetics at the same time. We discuss all options with you!

To see examples of reflective flooring, take a look at the many examples in our gallery. Whether your floor is in a garage, industrial complex, commercial office, or even your own home, reflective flooring is a efficient way to improve the lighting of any room. To find out the best ways you can benefit from reflective flooring, please contact Nevada Custom Coatings by phone, or you can use our online form to schedule an appointment.

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